The biggest problem in the market today is choice—lots of good choice.

Branding is the process of attaching the real or perceived attributes that matter most to your market, so you can become the most desirable choice.

Easier said than done. Limelight helps you get it right by developing a powerful brand story and positioning so you become the first and obvious choice to your market.

They drive a Bentley, they must be _____.

What is a brand?

Maybe they’re rich and maybe they just stole it. It really doesn't matter; branding is a battle of perceptions, not reality. A brand is simply what you believe to be true about a person, place or thing.

“Your brand is what people say about you when you leave the room.”

— Jeff Bezos

A brand is an idea that your customer, investor, or potential employer has about you or your product in their mind. A brand can be a person, place, or thing—or rather the idea we have about a person, place, or thing.

Can you avoid being branded?

“If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.”

— David Brier

You can't turn off someone's mind—they are going to judge you, categorize you, and position you. You must control the process! Don't let the market, investors, or your potential boss brand you—consciously brand yourself or your product, then walk them through why you are clearly the better choice than the competition.